
О Нас

Текстиль Beytug

Компания Beytug Textile создана в 1997 году как Beysu Textile и продолжала работать с таким названием до 2009 года, когда растущий спрос со стороны лояльных клиентов Tugcan Textile и Beysu Textile привел к слиянию 2 компаний и формированию Beytug Textile. Beytug textile – один из ведущих производителей скатертей, постельного белья и занавесок для душа в Турции с 1997 года.  На производственных мощностях компании налажен полный цикл производства от навивки пряжи,  разработки дизайна, изготовления и обработки ткани (покраска, придание особых свойств) до производства готовых изделий и упаковки.
Именно поэтому наша продукция имеет огромное разнообразие вариантов дизайна, размера и качества.
Мы всегда ищем новые тенденции и закономерности, уделяем особое значение обновлению нашей коллекции и производственных мощностей.
Если Вы заинтересованы в прямых поставках продукции от производителя, минуя цепочку посредников, наши условия Вас приятно удивят.

На производственных мощностях Beytug Textile мы можем изготовить до 100,000 единиц занавесок для душа, 150.000 единиц скатертей и 20,000 единиц покрывал в месяц. Наши торговые марки «TABE», «Tropik», «Jackline», «Golden laurel»  и «Evdy» радуют наших клиентов на  4-х континентах в более чем 30 странах мира. Продукция Beytug textile широко признана на рынке и с каждым годом наша торговая сеть расширяется и целеустремленно направлена на новые рынки с новыми клиентами .

ISO 9001:2008

Наша миссия и видение

Social Responsibility

The vision is to be aware of the responsibility of supporting the economic, environmental, cultural and social development for a sustainable world with its own employees and their families, the local people and the whole community, to improve the quality of life of all the individuals and their communities.

Always Strengthen Our Products With New Designs

The design, the unique, aims to make different. We are aware of the necessity of renewing in this direction and we renew our collections every year with our R & D studies to present new products to our customers.

Becoming a Leader in the Sector

We intend to strengthen our dynamism in our domestic and overseas marketing activities and expand our sales networks by increasing our market share in various countries.

Increasing Customer Satisfaction

To answer to expectations of our customers; We aim to provide the correct quality, right quantity, right price and timely delivery, and we aim for perfect service with fast delivery for this.

Creating Team Spirit

The success is possible with teams that have a shared vision. It is necessary for teams to be composed of people who have the common interest, who do not see each other as rival, who will advance and reach the target in unity and togetherness. In this direction, we are targeting a team that accepts the decisions of all members of the team as if they are their own decisions.

Always Keeping Productivity at the Top Level

By using resources in the most efficient way, it has made the principle of making more production with less cost.

Our Quality Values

We want our targets set by the management and determined by the quality policy to be realized by monitoring and analyzing with our employees’ positive contribution, solution focused approach.

Always Keeping Employees’ Satisfaction at the Top Level

We are always working to improve the working conditions for our employees, to create a safe environment for them and to provide them with a fair pay policy.

Being Informed and Open to Technology

It aims to keep the information flow in the world at the highest level with the information technologies, along with the continuous monitoring of the developments in the production technologies and to continue investing using the latest technologies.

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